Blackpool Tide times, weather and lightning info

Find out Blackpool tide times and other useful info in order to plan your day ahead.

Today’s Blackpool tide times

We use this website to check up on the tide times

Today’s Weather forecast

We use a forecasting service that uses multiple local independently owned monitoring stations that local enthusiasts have connected to an international network via the internet

Recent lightning activity map

Think you saw a flash or head a rumble in the distance – the website below again links a series of monitoring stations across the globe to give us a real time indication of where flashes have been detected.;t=3;s=0;o=0;b=;ts=0;

What’s that plane in the sky

If you heard a rumble but it wasn’t thunder – could it have been a plane? Find out using the handy website below

What’s that boat out to sea

If you liked finding out what plane that was – you might like the maritime version

Was that a tremor or an earthquake?

You can see the latest data that has been logged by the UK geological survey which will give you an indication of size and geographical location of any recent activity.

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