Blackpool Community Chat is a Facebook group comprised of over 40,000 members and the groups reach is about half a million newsfeeds per month.
In the event that facebook ever does go down – we hope that enough members will remember the name of our group and find us online again. It does appear that facebook does it’s best to keep users on it’s platform for the minute though.
Only trusted local businesses are invited to advertise on the Facebook group – which gives our members extra peace of mind when hiring local companies from our group.
Click here if you’d like Your business to be considered for an invitation
We are happy to use this website as a community notice board and will use it ourselves to share our own news and media. We will use content from our Facebook group that our users generate.
Please email us at admin@blackpoolcommunitychat.co.uk if you would prefer us to post on you behalf for any reason. Same email address if you want anything removed from our page.
If you would like to be a writer, donor, patron or contributor please email us at admin@blackpoolcommunitychat.co.uk
Subscribe your email to our local online community
Join our online community for free – just add your details below and we will email you with instructions on how to join.