
The way we consume and interact with local media has changed somewhat over recent years and it’s never been easier to have your say on local issues. We’ve shown that in our Facebook group – effectively handing the big microphone over to group members to have their say on local issues. We know there’s demand for this… So; We want to know what you think about starting a Blackpool Community Chat Podcast.

The idea being that we would serve the local people with video and audio content based on what’s happening in the local area and in the group too.

We’re just proposing to take the type of content you would see on our group – discussed on a podcast with guests and even members of our group too.

You could send u a video or audio clip of you asking your question – whether it be directed at a local business or personality – or whether you’ve got a concern about a local problem that needs highlighting. If you have a lot to say on a particular issue – we may even invite you on for a video call.

Local news and issues – By you – For you…

We already manage a large network of local followers over different Facebook pages and websites – It would be nice to get MORE of your local content featured on our platforms.

We’ve set up a dedicated Facebook page for the Blackpool Community Chat Podcast Project and we encourage you to interact with us on there.

If you would like to contribute or take part in one of our shows please email admin@blackpoolcommunitychat.co.uk inbox us on the Facebook page.

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