META – social media outage – Updates

Update 1 Facebook is back – everything appears to be back to normal. What to do if this ever happens again. Create a new contact in your phone book for Blackpool Community Chat Save our website URL as a contact You can also signup to this website so you get updates to your email […]

Blackhurst Budd are proud sponsors of Blackpool’s first ever public art trail

Elmer’s Big Parade Blackpool will see at least 30 large Elmer sculptures, each individually painted by artists and illustrators, placed in key locations around the town. It will create a free family-friendly eight-week trail this spring, boosting Blackpool’s economy, celebrating everything that makes the town diverse and raising vital income for its children’s hospice, Brian […]

Community Help Pages

Today we have spent some time creating a suite of help pages for locals to call upon. Some are published / work in progress – some need a little more work. You might find the information helpful in certain situations or you may fin that you have a better solution that you could share with […]

Hello Blackpool!

Facebook doesn’t seem to be working so we thought we’d try and bring our group back to life. While we deal with the hard part of logging on – can you please sign up to our email list and we’ll send you instructions on how to join when the group is ready. Best wishes – […]

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